
These are delicious recipes tested and shared by “Les Petits Oursons” community. Enjoy!!

Shared by Céline L.

Try this easy recipe and enjoy it with your favorite filling

Shared by Céline L.

If you are looking for a great soup to enjoy during the winter, this is the perfect choice…. 

Shared by Céline L.

A great recipe for a summer lunch…

Shared by Céline L.

A great dessert that will not disappoint you

Shared by Céline L.

Enjoy with crepes and ice cream at any time.

Shared by Céline L.

 A classic family recipe ….

Shared by Asha Bleier

This one has been a big hit at parties, and super easy..

Shared by Noudjoum Hibbert

A simple, easy and delicious recipe for a special occasion ..

New recipes are always welcome!  If you would like to share your recipe with the LPE community, please email it to

Thanks to all the parents who volunteer their time and ideas to make our kids' experience at school better!! Merci!!

Designed by Susana D - Content provided by PTR volunteers